European Aviation Summit

Publié le 09 February 2022

Friday, February 4, ENAC is hosting the Aviation summit on the decarbonization of air transport, in the presence of Mr. Jean-Baptiste Djebarri, Minister Delegate for Transport, his European counterparts and Mrs. Adina Valean, European Commissioner for Transport.

With this objective in mind, ENAC is conducting a vast strategic project aimed at integrating the Ecological Transition of Air Transport into all its training courses.

This project mobilizes teachers/researchers, students as well as ENAC's partners, marking our University commitment to the decarbonization of air transport.


Hypersolver Intermediate Review
Hypersolver Intermediate Review Meeting

The Hypersolver Intermediate Review took place in Brussels, on the 18th of September: The consortium members gathered at Eurocontrol’s premises for a productive session.

JARVIS (SESAR 3 Research Project) - Data Collection…

JARVIS is a SESAR 3 Industrial Research project (2024-2027) aimed at improving the efficiency and environmental sustainability of tower operations through Human-AI collaboration.

Présentation de l'ENAC



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