The call for participation for ETIS22

Publié le 03 June 2022

ETIS (European Tangible Interaction Studio) will be held at @enacfrance from November 7th to 10th 2022. Tangible Interaction is a research field addressing areas at the border of the physical and digital worlds. This year's conference topic is "Ecological transition and mobility of the future".
ETIS aims at gathering young researchers in the field to get them in touch with internationally renowned researchers and to establish networks for their future. 
The call for participation for ETIS'22 is open until June 9th and we kindly invite you to submit paper and workshop proposals.

We are looking forward to an exciting conference program and are happy to announce our four exciting keynote speakers:

More information: 


Hypersolver Intermediate Review
Hypersolver Intermediate Review Meeting

The Hypersolver Intermediate Review took place in Brussels, on the 18th of September: The consortium members gathered at Eurocontrol’s premises for a productive session.

JARVIS (SESAR 3 Research Project) - Data Collection…

JARVIS is a SESAR 3 Industrial Research project (2024-2027) aimed at improving the efficiency and environmental sustainability of tower operations through Human-AI collaboration.

Présentation de l'ENAC



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