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Brazil : ENAC launches its first two Advanced Masters in Latin America

Publié le 12 June 2018

On June 11, 2018, the National Secretary of Brazilian Civil Aviation, Dario Rais Lopez, and the deputy Director General of ENAC, Philippe Crebassa, signed in Toulouse a cooperation agreement to implement two Advanced Masters in Brazil, the very first training programmes of their kind in Latin America.

ENAC will train managers and executives from the three main agencies of the Brazilian Federal State: the National Secretary of Civil Aviation (SNAC), the National Agency for Civil Aviation (ANAC), and Infraero (the public operator of airports not under private concession).

These two Advanced Masters will consist in a common core content and two specialised tracks: one general about the air transport industry and one focused on air navigation services.

The objective is clearly to boost capacity building within these organisations, in a challenging environment: development of the 600 secondary airports, modernisation of the air traffic control services, and enhancement of the education framework.

A first batch of 50 participants will be enrolled end of 2018 in Brasilia.

It’s a privilege to support such a great aeronautical country as Brazil. It is also a major milestone for ENAC international development as these Advanced Masters will be the very first training programmes which we will be delivering in Latin America. We have been working hard for 4 years on this project and it is today a great reward for staff commitment in Toulouse and Brasilia”, said Philippe Crebassa, ENAC Deputy Director General.



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