Advanced Master® in Safety Management in Aviation

Safety Management in Aviation - SMA

The SMA Advanced Master is registered with the RNCP under the title "Safety Manager in the Air Transport System" and is eligible for the Personal Training Account (CPF).


Apply now

Selection and admission made by admission committees organized from December to July.


Air Transport is a complex and rapidly changing macro-system. Safety is supported by a set of regulatory requirements, already implemented for many years, but in constant evolution.

The most recent accidents involve many actors and organizations and it has been shown that their causes are multifactorial. Beyond regulations and technical developments, it is necessary to engage all actors at all levels of organizations so that they can contribute positively to Safety.

In addition, the health crisis linked to COVID-19 and climate change are creating new risks to which air transport will have to respond in the coming years.

The Advanced Master (Mastère Spécialisé®) in Safety Management in Aviation is designed to let Safety managers and experts able to lead, assess, improve and promote Safety Performance in various organizations in the Air Transport System. The Safety Management remains a major challenge and requires adapted skills, including soft skills communication, leadership and assertiveness.

More information

More information about the MS Safety Management in Aviation
Consult the detailed brochure on our Advanced Masters programmes

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees EU Citizen Non EU-Citizen Organization / Company
  Normal fee Early Bird Normal Fee Reduce Rate (I.T or J.S) Early Bird Reduce Rate Normal Fee Early Bird Normal Fee Sur demande
MS SMA 14 060€ 12 650€ 8 230€ 7 410€ 14 060€ 12 650€

I.T.: Initial training
J.S.: Jobseeker
Early Bird price: registration until April 17th 2024


Postgraduate Studies Business Manager
Course director
Jean-Michel BIEL

Présentation de l'ENAC



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