Advanced Master® in Air Transport Management

Air Transport Management - ATM

 This Advanced Master® is a 1-year postgraduate programme that includes theoretical courses, individual research work in a company, and the realisation of a professional thesis.

 This programme is delivered in partnership with :  logo


Apply now

Selection and admission made by admission committees organized from December to July.


The Advanced Master (Mastère Spécialisé®) in Air Transport Management offers a systematic approach to Air Transport examining it from the viewpoints of economy, operational working methods, marketing and financial strategies.

There are many needs for high-level specialists with a strategic vision and capable of driving change.

The Air Transport industry - airlines, airport infrastructures - is evolving in a fast-changing environment, marked by strong global competition, increasingly complex financial issues and heightened safety and security challenges.

In this sector, there is a great need for high-level specialists with a strategic vision and the ability to lead change.

More information

More information about the MS Air Transport Management
Consult the detailed brochure on our Advanced Masters programmes

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees EU Citizen Non EU-Citizen Organization / Company
  Normal fee Early Bird Normal Fee Reduce Rate (I.T or J.S) Early Bird Reduce Rate Normal fee Early Bird Normal Fee On request
MS ATM 14 060€ 12 650€ 8 230€ 7 410€ 14 060€ 12 650€

I.T.: Initial training
J.S.: Jobseeker
Early Bird price: registration until April 17th 2024


Postgraduate Studies Business Manager
Course director
Charlie RUSTIN
Course director

Présentation de l'ENAC



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